A week and a day ago, my family and I took a daytrip to the town of Tywyn, in Wales. We got up really early and took a bus and the Tube to Euston Station. Then from 8:43 to 9:53, we were on a train from Euston to Birmingham. From 10:09 to 11:54, we were on a train from Birmingham to Welshpool. Then from 12:05 to 1:25, we were on a bus from Welshpool to Machynlleth. Then from 1:40 to 2:04, we were on a train from Machynlleth to Tywyn. It took a long time, but the scenery was gorgeous. Rolling hills, big fields, streams, beaches, water, clouds…it was great. There were hundreds of sheep on the hillsides. I didn’t post any pictures of the trip from Euston to Tywyn because I took so many pictures and wouldn’t know where to begin. But you can see them when I come home.
The main (and pretty much only) attraction in Tywyn was the Talyllyn Railway. The Talyllyn Railway is a historic narrow-gauge railway preserved by a society of railway enthusiasts. The Rev. W. Awdry based some of his Railway Series books off of engines from the Talyllyn Railway. That’s how I first heard about it as a child. Ever since then, I’ve dreamed of visiting Talyllyn.
When my family came up, my parents decided we could take one of the days to visit Talyllyn. I was ecstatic. But when we looked up their schedule online, we discovered that none of the trains would be operating that day. I was disappointed, but my parents insisted that we could visit anyways. So we did.
The train ride there was great. (Technically, it would be “rides” because we took 3 different trains). I felt like a little kid again. I sat at the table on the trains and listened to my iPod and looked out the window at the scenery. The day before, I had bought a hardcover book called “Thomas the Tank Engine: The New Collection”, which was the complete collection of stories written by Christopher Awdry, the son of Rev. W. Awdry, who took up writing the Railway Series after his father retired. I read Thomas stories on a train that was headed for a railway where there were more trains. I hadn’t felt like such a kid in a long time. It was great.

The Narrow Gauge Museum was by far the coolest museum I've ever been in, period. It was full of engines and equipment and signs and signals and stuff like that. It was nuts. I was like a kid in a candy shop, only better, because I was a kid in a train museum. The guy there was so cool. He was this old man who knew everything about trains. He reminded me of my Grandpa, or Uncle Stuewe. He just sat there as I looked around, and whatever I stopped at, he'd tell me about. I loved him for that.

All of the engines were on the first floor of the museum, as they obviously couldn't be supported by the second floor. The second floor had equipment used on trains and at stations, and also had a section devoted to Thomas the Tank Engine and the Rev. W. Awdry.

Ok, this is where things got REALLY cool. Remember how I said that there was a couple celebrating their anniversary with a special, private train? Well, while we were still there, they started getting the train ready! I actually saw an engine! I was on the second floor of the museum when Mom and Megan called me out to the balcony, and there was No. 7 Tom Rolt with its firemen giving it coal right below us! I took some pictures on the balcony, and ran back down to the tracks to see it up close. They shovelled the coal into the hole just before the cab. You can see the rubber flap they hung on the side, covering the word "Tom". This was to keep coal from scratching the side of the engine or making it dirty.
Tom Rolt letting off steam. I got a great video of this. It whistled, and I almost went deaf. I loved it.
Me and Tom Rolt. When I got near it, I could tell that it was an 0-4-2 engine. I was so happy to be right next to it and lean on it. I was trembling a little bit. I was such a little kid.
The front of Tom Rolt. See the little plaque right under his funnel? It's for the 50th anniversary of Ann and Winston, the couple who ordered the train. If it weren't for them, I would've only had 40 minutes for the shop and the museum, and would have never seen Tom Rolt.
Some information on Tom Rolt.
This is the cool thing about Tom Rolt- there is a Railway Series engine that's based off of him! Ivo Hugh was created by Christopher Awdry in the book "New Little Engine" from 1996. This is a picture of him from that book when his name was revealed. Scroll back up and compare this picture with the photos of Tom Rolt. They're very close. But there are some differences. The face, for instance. But yeah, another childhood dream came true that day. I met an actual engine from "Thomas the Tank Engine". Ivo Hugh is no James or Percy, mind you, but he's still an engine from the Island of Sodor. It was a good day for me.
Signing the guest book. I'm the last one on the right.
Sentimental afterthought. I haven't signed that name in years.
The people are getting ready for thier ride on Tom Rolt. This was taken on the bridge overlooking Wharf Station. See the big heap of coal?
The beginning of the Talyllyn Railway, and the only part of it that I could see. Someday, years from now, I'm going to go back there and go on the actual railway. If my children love trains and/or Thomas, it'll be when they're young. If they don't care about trains, I'll go with just my wife when they're grown up. But either way, I am going to go back to Talyllyn, no question.
Megan and Mom left a little bit before Dad and I. They wanted to go to a nearby store to get some snacks for the ride home. So it was Dad and me for a bit. On our way out, I leaned against Tom Rolt again. I didn't have much time, because the anniversary party was gathering at the platform, and I was randomly there. But I leaned against Tom Rolt and acted like I was taking a picture of his funnel (which I really was). But then, I quickly reached into his coalbox, grabbed a small lump of coal, and walked calmly and coolly away. No one noticed. That little lump of coal is going to be one of my most treasured possessions, I can tell you that. I'm going to keep it in the Thomas cup I bought here.
We left the Railway and took trains, buses, and the Tube back to London. The entire train ride back, I wrote a short story, "The Hopeful Prostitute", in my notebook. I based it off of the porn-filled phonebooths in London, the train ride to Wales, a couple Regina Spektor songs, and the Bible. When I got back to the Highbury Centre, I typed it up and put it on Facebook.
Another childhood dream came true on the train ride home. Mom and I went to the snack bar in this one car and got food, and I had dinner on a train. I had ham and cheese on panini, chedder crisps, a brownie, and a bottle of Coke. I was so happy.
We got back at like midnight. It wasn't the most time-friendly trip ever: we had travelled about 13 hours (about 6.5 each way), and we were only at the Talyllyn Railway for maybe 2 and a half hours. But my parents knew this beforehand, and they insisted that it would be ok. And it was worth it. I took 411 photos and videos on my camera that day; more than any other day in my life. I had fulfilled a bunch of childhood dreams, including eating a meal on a train, being at the controls in an engine cab, and meeting an engine from "Thomas the Tank Engine". I saw the study of the man who created Thomas in a museum filled with engines and railroad equipment. For one whole day, I got to be Danny. It was fun.
Hi Dan. It's strange, really. You're in London for the semester, we visited London for an incredible week, and yet this post--about a day in Wales--is by far my favorite post to date. I guess that's because it was such a happy day for our family--happy for you because it fulfilled a childhood dream, and happy for the rest of us because we got to watch you fulfill that dream. It was absolutely one of the highlights--if not THE highlight--of our trip to see you. And I LOVE the pictures!!! XO XO XO Mom
Hi Dan
Mom said it really well when she said that the best part of the day was seeing how much you were enjoying it. Megan was a trooper because it wasn't really her thing but i think she had some fun too, plus she knew what it meant for you too. it was relaxing when we needed it and the scenery was amazing...a great day for all of us
nice post
love it
love you too
I'm just catching up on your posts while you guys are in Eire.
If you'd ever like to visit railroad sites in Pennsylvania, you'd be welcome to make our home your base. We have Steamtown in Scranton where you can see a turntable, engines, restoration of engines, rr exhibits and ride a train. Nearby is the impressive Tunnhannock Creek Viaduct, http://www.northeastpennsylvania.com/NicholsonViaduct.htm
The Pennsylvania RR Museum in Strasburg (near Lancaster http://www.rrmuseumpa.org/#) has a huge collection of engines, cars, etc. and you can ride a steam train there. Nearby is the Red Caboose Motel http://www.redcaboosemotel.com/ where you can stay in a real red caboose and eat in an old dining car.
Then there is Altoona which was a big center of railroad manufacturing with the Railroaders Memorial Museum and the Horseshoe curve http://www.railroadcity.com/
Here's a connection for you: I saw your Hitler drawings. During the war, Hitler planned to bomb the horseshoe curve (which is west of us) and the Rockville Bridge, north of Harrisburg, because they were so important in the transportation of war materiel.
And if you want to see another end of the steam train legacy, you can go down into anthracite coal mines!
We can highly recommend all these places cuz we've been there!
LuAnn (aka, Tab's Mom)
The Nicholson Viaduct link was cut off:
and forgot the link to Steamtown:
I see you have an excursion rr near you: Arcade & Attica
Good day !.
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