"Adolf S**tler" (this is tied with "Adolfin Hitler" for my personal favorite)
Oh that Hitler. What a character. In other, less facist news, I have officially registered for my classes for next semester. And you guys say I'm unproductive. Bah! As it stands, I'm taking 5 courses and a lab, and I'll be earning 17 credits. Not too shabby. Here is my schedule. If anyone from Houghton reads this, let me know if we'll have a class together next fall!
9:00-9:50 BIOL 105 A (Conservation Biology)
12:30-1:35 THEL 209 C (Introduction to Christianity)
1:50-2:40 PHED 101 A (Fitness for Life)
8:00-9:50 ANTH 243 A (Cultural Anthropology)
1:00-2:50 HIST 370 A (Evangelical Roots)
9:00-9:50 BIOL 105 A (Conservation Biology)
12:30-1:35 THEL 209 C (Introduction to Christianity)
2:00-4:50 BIOL 105 C (Conservation Biology)
8:00-9:50 ANTH 243 A (Cultural Anthropology)
1:00-2:50 HIST 370 A (Evangelical Roots)
9:00-9:50 BIOL 105 A (Conservation Biology)
12:30-1:35 THEL 209 C (Introduction to Christianity)
Alright, the dinner bell just rang so I'm taking off. I promise I'll work hard on my paper after dinner, and I'll put up a post about break in a day or two. Later!
I'm in Lifetime Wellness with you AND Intro to Christ (with KLP, right?)
AND I'm taking Cult Anthro, but not on the same day.
I think that's awesome.
Hey, two out of three isn't bad. And Adam, Tabitha O'Connell, and Eri Katagiri are in our Intro to Christ class too!
that's wicked sweet.
ps. hitler... :P
you're ridiculous.
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