Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Postmodern Architecture

No. 1 Poultry

Lloyd's Building

Willis Building Swiss Re Building ("The Gherkin") Minister Court

Lloyd's, Gherkin, Willis It's all fun and games until you have to write a 5 page paper about it. Then someone gets hurt. But hey, it's still really cool to look at. You should've seen it in person. My favorite is the Willis Building. Today was significant because it marked my last MAG (this whole post) as well as our last reading ("Truth is Stranger Than it Used to Be: Biblical Faith in a Postmodern Age"). So that's very exciting. All I have left is one more colloquy, one more plenary, and one more paper. Then the program's immense workload is finally over. Speaking of immensity, I'm immensely tired, so I'm gonna call it a day. Good night.

By the way, I know I'm 8 months late, but I really like The Verve's new album "Forth". You should probably listen to it.


Mom said...

Cool pictures! I don't know if Uncle Chris has been checking your blog--but I think he's really into architecture. Maybe me or dad will call him and make sure he see's this post! And was the weather as nice as it looks in the pictures??? Love, Mom

Jordan said...

Here's the question, how can something be postmodern? Are those buildings from the future? I mean I know it's term for the style, but what were they thinking? Did someone from the future come back and give them the blueprints?

Emily said...

Jordan. this is your purpose in life.
figure out your own question and get back to us