Adjusting to home hasn't been all that hard, actually. Sometimes I'd be doing something so normal that it feels like London never happened! I mean, I'd wake up in my bed in my room, have some food, watch some Looney Tunes, lounge around my house, go to work at Wegmans, hang out with Joe Paul or Bocadillo, talk to Emily, and go back to bed. I keep having to remind myself that I spent three months in freakin' London! But then I think about plenary and the British Museum and papers and Tesco and it all comes rushing back to me, usually accompanied by a slight shudder. Don't get me wrong- I loved London. But man, it is good to be home.
I won't repeat everything I've done this summer because I've been back for a whole month and that would take a long time and I didn't do anything too extraordinary anyways(except I got to go to Shawn and Andrea's wedding, which was awesome!). So I'll just sort of keep it to this week.
The highlight of this week so far has been the Coldplay concert this past Monday. Emily came into town for a couple days, and the two of us and Bocadillo drove down to Darien Lake to see Coldplay. We got great seats at the very front of the lawn and each of us saw some people we knew. The opening bands were alright, but the real highlight, of course, was Coldplay. It was a fantastic show. They played every song from their "Viva la Vida" album except "Yes", and that was a big treat. The opening song was "Life in Technicolor" which just about killed me. I am a huge fan of that song. Anyways, the band sounded great and interacted with the crowd really nicely. They had a B-stage AND a C-stage, and the C-stage was about 50 feet from us! Here are some pictures before I go on, just because I'm excited now.
They did nothing with this balloon other than light it up.

Coldplay and free music is a lovely combination.
So yeah. Since the concert, I haven't done too much. Emily left on Tuesday and I went to the dentist and worked yesterday. Today I visited South. I spent 4th period with Mrs. Wzontek, 5th with Mr. Galvin, 6th with Mr. Cool and Mr. Gadd, and 7th with a trombone lesson. I also saw Mr. Sugg, Mr. Monaco, and Mrs. J. Then I ran some errands with my mom, and hung out with Lianna this evening. It was really nice to catch up with her, and in true Lianna fashion, she made me delicious cookies. I'm one of her biggest fans, and you can quote me on that. Tomorrow I work and I think I'm getting together with Steve for some Mighty Taco. Yay Mighty!
Yesterday I deleted my Facebook. I'm annoyed with a lot of aspects of my life (no big problems, just a lot of little crap that I'm sick of), and I need to focus on fixing things between me and God, me and other people, and me and myself. I felt like deleting Facebook was a step in the right direction. I hope to be on AIM and Skype more. I also hope to get better about emailing and hanging out with people. I also hope to be better about posting on this blog, and when I say that, I mean I hope to post more often, and try to keep the posts to my interests and mostly my activities. Not often, but a few times, I'd go on one of my rants on this blog, sort of like I would on Facebook (which is another reason I deleted Facebook). I'd rather rant about music and animation and what I'm currently up to. I feel as though since I'm working on getting my emotions and thoughts sorted out, I should try to keep them to myself more. So that's that.
Sorry this ended up being so long. I have a bad habit on rambling about things that are interesting to me but probably not other people, but I'm trying to work on that. I'm trying to work on pretty much everything, lol. Then again, I haven't posted in almost a month, so I guess it evens out. And yeah, if you've got any suggestions for me to make this blog better, like shorter posts, less about animation, etc, definitely leave a comment and I'll work on that. I like doing this for you guys and I want you to like it too. I'll try to make this blog better and not get too deep on it. Just a nice blog to talk about music, cartoons, God, and my activities. Please pray for me as I try to work stuff out, and look for me on AIM, Skype, and this blog as I'm trying to be better about using all of them. God bless.
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