I came back to Houghton on my birthday and had to work on math homework and a history paper due the next day. The history paper was about railroads and the Civil War (guess who got to pick the topic) and I think I did really well on it. Monday, however, was rough. We had an Advanced Composition research paper on Robinson Crusoe due on Tuesday, and naturally all of us waited until Monday to get started. We had to come up with a thesis, find and read 8 articles on the book, and tie them all together in an 8 page paper. It was a really miserable day. Here's how it went down on Monday
-I started work at about 2:30 (spanish class was cancelled)
-I finished Tuesday at 4:00 in the morning (13.5 hours after I started, and 5.5 hours before it was due)
-I read 8 articles as well as much of Robinson Crusoe over again
-My paper was 8 pages and 2,409 words long.
-While reading and writing, I listened to over 30 classical music songs. (some were over 15 minute long!)
-I had two dinners (Tuna Rice and Cheese at 4:45 and Big Al's at 8:30.)
-I only watched 2 Looney Tunes cartoons
-I drank 5 caffinated drinks (1 Cherry Coke, 2 Dr. Peppers, 1 Root Beer, 1 Jones Soda)
-Due to these drinks I went to the bathroom over 2 dozen times
-At about 5:30, I had to put my pillow on my chair and sit on it because my butt was sore
At about 4 AM, I finished. I handed it in on Tuesday and after class and cleaning showers I did...nothing. All day long. It was my day of healing. I lied around Roth and ate food and watched a bunch of my new Looney Tunes. It was great. (Coincidentally, it was also mine and Emily's 25 month 'anniversary'. Go us.)
Another thing I've been doing is making new videos, all using music by Coldplay from their new album and EP. I started one for "Violet Hill", but it was lame so I scrapped it. Right now, I'm working on one for "Life in Technicolor" which includes a bit of the Vitamin String Quartet's version of the song as well as Coldplay's songs "The Escapist" and "Life in Technicolor II". It's coming along pretty awesomely. I'm spending way too much time on it, but it looks great and will be worth it when it's done. I've also got some ideas for "Lovers in Japan" and "Glass of Water", but those probably won't happen for a while.
Yesterday was pretty good. It was the halfway-through-the week point, which was nice. I went to class, vegged a bit more, and watched "Forrest Gump" with Mel and Seth. Great movie.
Today has been a "nothing day" as well. I slept in until 10:00 (Adv. Comp. is cancelled for today and Tuesday), went to an informational London meeting at 11, had lunch with my friends, and came back to Roth and messed around on the comptuer, which leads right up to now. When I finish this, I'm going to clean the showers.
Finals are coming up. I should probably get on that. But Christmas is coming up too. That's a lot cooler than finals.
Here is one of the things I was doing on the internet today. These are spoofs of those motivational posters you see everywhere, with the epic picture of a guy climbing a mountain or something, and the caption says "Victory" or "Teamwork" or something cheesy like that. These ones are better. Some of them are a bit mean, but you're all big boys and girls and the posters are still funny. If you can't read the smaller caption, click on the picture and it should get better. I'll post again later. See ya.

1 comment:
Gothapotamus for the win! these are hysterical =]
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