So that's the school part of college. Other than that, not much has been happening. This past weekend, Mark, Elisa, and Lindsey appeared in the Shakespeare play "Measure for Measure." We all went to see them, and they were fantastic. I've got a video that I'll be posting at some point later, but here are a few pictures of us after the play in the meantime.

Also, two more birthdays- this past Friday was Mom's birthday, and today is Megan's! Happy birthday to both of you! Below is a picture of Mom and me this past summer at Amherst State Park. That's one of my favorite places to go to, and she wanted me to show her around, so I did. It was fun.

This is an awesome picture of me being cute and Megan being Megan. There's really not much else to say.

So that's basically it. I'm coming home tomorrow for Thanksgiving break, and I'm pumped. Although so far, I've had 3 Thanksgiving dinners this month (1 with my dad's side of the family, 1 for all of Houghton College, and 1 with Rothenbuhler Hall that included dodgeball!), so #4 on Thanksgiving Day will be fun. I'm currently planning on seeing Emily, Jordan, Christina, Carrie, Joe Paul, and Alex, and maybe some more people, and I'm very excited about that. And it's my birthday on Sunday, so that's always good.
And finally, because no post would be complete without me imposing my love for Looney Tunes on all of you guys, here's Tweety Bird's first cartoon appearance. It's for Mom and Megan, because their favorite Looney Tunes character is Tweety. And, it just so happens that Tweety and Mom share a birthday! Tweety's first cartoon, "A Tale of Two Kitties" debued on November 21, 1942 (ok, so the year is different). Sylvester isn't in this one, because he wouldn't be created for another 3 years, and Tweety's enemies are two cats who are caricatures of a famous comedy duo (bonus points and a hug for the first person who can tell me who!). Also, since this was made during World War II, there are three WWII references in this cartoon. See if you can find them! They're really hard...
abbott and costello
i'll check for the ww2 spots in a sec
ok here is the ww2 references
1 a helmet on the cat (costello)
2 the victory garden
3 the skit with the air raid/spitfire reference
howd i do?
by the way i got the abbott and costello before they mentioned the knockoff names
wow im adorable.
Good job, Dad. You get 20 bonus points and a hug. And you were very close with the WWII references. You got the air raid and the victory garden, but I'm fairly certain the thing with the helmet wasn't a WWII reference. When the cat hits the helmet, a cigar appears in his mouth, so I think it's making fun of some celebrity from the 40s who had a cigar and a helmet in a movie or something. But the last WWII reference is at the very end when Tweety is announcing a blackout and yelling at the cats to "TURN OUT THAT LIGHT!"
And Megan, you were really cute. :)
Dan, the picture with you and your mom is great.
that's the good kind of furry in that picture.
now your face just looks fat.
you look like a Dan-doll in that picture. like someone decided to be really creepy and make a child-Dan model and sit it next to a little girl, and that's why she's being so ridiculous because there's crazy fake boy.
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