(Left to right) 4th Row: Josh, Mark. 3rd row: Zeke, Garrett. 2nd Row: Adam, Brian, Elisa. 1st Row: Me, Kaylee, Lindsay. Not pictured: Steve, Joyce
Josh is the top-left guy who's got his arm around Mark. He's a really tech-savvy guy: he took this picture and made it look awesome. He also composes music on his computer. It's really good. He was the most recent person to join our group. Next to him is Mark. Mark has a sweet laugh and a car. The two of us went to the dollar store that day to get stuff for Joyce's party. He also wears a ring that he made of Starburst wrappers, and made one for me and one for Kaylee.
Josh is leaning on Zeke's shoulder. Zeke is a pretty nice guy. He's going to London with me, along with Adam, Lindsay, and Steve. He says some pretty awkward things, and is "that guy" a lot of the time, but hey, we're all "that guy" at one point or another. Next to him is Garrett. Garrett is nice too, except he's got bad ideas sometimes. But sometimes he's got good ideas, like last week, when we all watched "Silence of the Lambs" on Lindsay's laptop. In the middle of the soccer field. I say that Garrett was smart, because he wasn't there! It truly was terrifying, but I had fun. Garrett watched "Braveheart" with us tonight, and sat next to me, and that was very nice.
The guy sitting above me is Adam. He's my room mate. He's very nice. A little socially awkward, but he is homeschooled. (Actually, I shouldn't really go after homeschooled kids, just because there's so many of them!) But I do like Adam, and we've been getting along great. Next to Adam, smack in the middle of everyone is Brian. Brian is the one who gave me the nickname Dan Nalgene. He's a really funny guy, and he's got such a heart for the Lord, which is awesome. He's also a music major. Yeah, one of those guys. The girl with the hat is Elisa. She's Joyce's room mate, and we have two very cool things in common. First off, she loves Calvin and Hobbes. So I was sold there. Secondly, we discovered that we both play and know big band music! It was so weird to run into someone my age who wasn't in Sugar and Jazz, but knew Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Duke Ellington, and the rest. We talked about songs and styles all the time. She is very fun and witty.
In the bottom corner is me. You know me, or at least I hope you do, because if you're reading this and you don't know me, then that's weird. Stop reading this. Next to me is Kaylee. She has a sick nasty (that means good) singing voice, and can yodel!!! She's very nice as well. Next to her is Lindsay. Her last name is Houghton, but that has nothing to do with Houghton college at all. Nevertheless, we call her Houghton Girl, or H.G. Lindsay, Adam, and Elisa are in my Advanced Composition class.
Not pictured are Joyce and Steve. Joyce isn't pictured, because this was a surprise gift for her. Steve isn't pictured because he's lame and forgot to meet us. So here they are! First is Joyce:

everyone made their posts about this post in the other one, so I'm just going to go ahead and post here. This post looked lonely...
thanks jordan. i know i can always count on you. i thought i was the only one who noticed that, lol. i'm glad the other one was you.
i noticed too. because i was reading the comments on the other one and mom was like "aw i love your friends!" but it was just a picture of you looking reeeeeeeeally tired. so i guess ill comment this one as well. how have you been anyway? we havent talked lately. last night i did something for the first time in my life ... i ordered MEAT at a restaurant. and i had the option of ordering pasta, but i didnt! it was kind of scary. today was the pep rally at school. it was so fun, and i was chosen to be an escort for the homecoming court. the best part was that i was randomly picked to escort my friend tony, which is good cuz i didnt want to be stuck with some weirdo or stuckup kid, which was very likely. anyway, ill see you tomorrow! love megan :]
oh and ps ... the south varsity football team is 2-0. thats the best record we've had in like, decades. and its the first time we've won 2 consecutive games in 15 years. i just thought i would let you know! go billies.
~ megan
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