When colloquy was over, Eri, Tabitha, and I went to the professors' flat to have lunch with the Wardwells. Throughout the semester, they've been inviting students over to their flat for lunch, and it was our turn. I was pretty nervous though. I had never gone over to one of my teachers' houses for lunch before. But it went really well. Dr. Wardwell, his wife, and his son are all really nice. The conversations were good too. It wasn't forced or awkward at all, really. Mrs. Wardwell made cream of broccoli soup and we also had biscuits, carrots, fruit, and chocolate cookies. The soup was fantastic. It was really salty, and they gave us shredded cheese that we could put in it. I had two bowls. It felt so good to have a homecooked meal, as opposed to the Highbury meals or scraps of food that I put together for lunch.
After lunch, the three of us went back to the Highbury Centre and played tennis with Steve Corell for the next hour or so (there's a tennis court in the backyard, next to the garden. Adam and I have a perfect view of it from our room). It was me and Steve against Tab and Eri, but we didn't really keep score. On several occasions, I'd accidentally hit the balls over the fence into the convent next door. So we went nextdoor and knocked on the door and a very nice nun let us into the backyard so we could get the balls.
I was tired and sort of chilly, so I went back to the room and watched a couple Looney Tunes. Because that's just what I do. Then, remembering it was Thursday, I checked my email and saw this week's paper topic:
With appropriate and specific references to relevant selections from this week’s sources, document some of the ways in which eighteenth-century artists and intellectuals embraced and developed themes associated with Renaissance humanism, in particular a focus on human nature and its perfection (along with its many foibles), as well as the reform of society. (By “relevant” we mean relevant to the specific points you think you can provide evidence for and explain in five pages.)
I read through it a couple times, laughed a little at how confusing it is, died on the inside a bit, shrugged, and watched another cartoon. Now I'm in the library. I have a piece of chocolate cake in the fridge, and I'm going to bring it back to the room and watch a couple more cartoons. Then I'll start looking at the paper, I promise. I got a few general ideas in colloquy today, so I have a starting place, at least.
Tonight at 7:30, a bunch of us are going to a concert. They're going to play Bach, Handel, and Vivaldi. I'm somewhat familiar with all three of them, so I'm actually looking forward to this. I probably won't want to work on the paper much after I get back, so I guess I should do some of it before I leave. I will. But I still have all of Friday and Saturday too. So I might not get much done today. I don't know, I'll see.
I come home in exactly seven weeks from today. 49 days. A month and a half. Words cannot express my excitement. Just thought you all should know.

Adam's response to long and confusing paper topics right after they are assigned. I think both of our tactics are more than adequate, don't you?
So. You've probably heard this already, but I'm still having fun with it.. You know Joaquin Phoenix? He's one of my favorite actors. I've seen him in "Walk the Line", "We Own the Night", and "The Village". He was absolutely fantastic in all 3 movies. Well, apparently he's decided that acting isn't for him. He's aspiring to become a hip-hop artist. Yeah. You read that right. Here are links to two videos that I highly recommend, if you want to see how he's doing:
(Joaquin jumping up and down and ultimately falling off the stage)
(Joaquin fighting with an audience member and getting dragged away by security)
Good luck to you, Joaquin. Thanks for wasting a perfectly good acting career. Personally, I find the whole thing utterly ridiculous (the beard and hair are especially hilarious). The only thing that keeps it from being 100% hysterical is that I had a lot of respect for Joaquin, especially after seeing him portray one of my all-time heroes, Johnny Cash. I took Joaquin very seriously, and it's a shame that he essentially lost his mind and blew his career.
Speaking of Johnny Cash, I have an idea for a potential tattoo, because I'm 19 and have silly ideas like that. But tell me what you think- and please be serious. Two of my greatest heroes are Johnny Cash and Chuck Jones. Two of my oldest and best friends are Jordan Stengel and Christina Graczyk. Plus, I'm a Christian, and follow Jesus Christ. I was thinking of having a *small* ring of 4 J's and 4 C's going around my arm, like this: JCJCJCJC. (To represent Jesus Christ, Johnny Cash, Jordan, Chuck Jones, Christina) I've been thinking about this for about a week now, and I think it would work. Then again, I did originally come up with this idea late at night when I was trying to sleep, so it might just be a dumb idea. But I really like it. What do you guys think?
ew, if you get a tattoo, dont get it as a ring around your arm. put time into it and think of a cool design. i hate tattoos that like ring around. you know? oh. and does that plate have our last name on it!?
lol, that's sharpie on ceran wrap. the cake was wrapped. i had no idea what you were talking about for a few minutes there.
and like, my idea with the ring was that it could be smaller and discreet- if i did a line or design going down my arm, it would be bigger and more obvious, and i don't want that. the other thing i liked about the ring was that if it was a circle, it wouldn't have a beginning or end so there wouldn't be specific letters for the specific people- it would just be all the letters for all 5.
Hi Dan. Really give this whole tattoo thing a lot of thought. We've never talked about it...I don't know what Dad would say...but the bottom line is that you don't really need our "permission" for it. I guess I just don't understand the whole tattoo thing. A man's necklace or bracelet with "JC" on it sort of accomplishes the same thing and it's not permanent...nor are there any health risks attached. But IF you're going to entertain a tattoo, my opinion is to just keep it to "JC". One JC can represent any of the four individuals you mentioned...and if in the future you are inspired by another person with those initials, you're covered. But really think the whole thing over, Dan. I'm not sure how serious you were when you wrote the blog. I love you. Mom
see, the problem with just getting "JC" is that it doesn't apply to Chuck Jones, Jordan, or Christina, whereas if I got a ring of J's and C's, I could work them in because no one would know if it was JCJCJC or CJCJCJ. and also, if i AM inspired by another person years from now, they just get worked into the circle automatically. and it depends on how you mean "serious." I was being serious in the sense that I wasn't kidding about this and actually meant it, but I'm not serious in the sense of I-am-going-to-do-this-no-matter-what. I was just putting it out there.
Hi Dan! Here are my additional thoughts for you to ponder. #1--not that you're asking, but my preference would be that you not get a tattoo. #2--if in the end you decide to go ahead with a tattoo, I would definitely ask that you hold off until you're back home. #3--see #1. I love you. Mom
#1. ok.
#2. ok.
#3. see #1.
check your email! :)
Hey Dan
couple of things
first you know you don't need to ask about a tattoo but if ou did I am no fan, never had a desire for one myself, once you get one there is no turning back (it's a big deal and painful to remove and they leave a mark)
if ya do get one it should be easily covered (which defeats the purpose)for times you don't want it visible...it's a big decision either way
otherwise...love seeing pictures of London scenesthey are so cool
keep up the good work you are doing a great job with all those papers
love ya
is that nunnery a monty python reference?
Hi again.
I checked my email. You sent one earlier--random questions about our visit to London. I already responded to that email. I'm just wondering if there's an additional email you're referring to. Love you. Mom
Dad: Good point about the tattoo. And thanks, we just got our most recent papers back like 15 minutes ago and I got another B+, lol. And now, that's actually from "Hamlet."
Mom: You got it. :)
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