Thursday, October 23, 2008
Birthdays and Babies
Also, Jeremy and Lauren Schenk had their baby last night!!! They had a daughter, and her names is Lillian Sarah Schenk. She was born at 10:05 pm PT and is 7 lb 9 oz and 19.5 inches. I've been talking to Carrie today, and she is freaking out. She's really excited about being an aunt, and I know she'll be a great one. We were joking about how little Hayden has a girlfriend now. (just kidding!) But she's seriously really excited, and Caleb is just as excited about being an uncle. So congrats, Lauren and Jeremy! One more girl for Mr. Gillings! ;) I've got a photo of Lillian, but I'm not sure if I'm able to put it up or anything, so just take my word that she's a cutie!
Other than that, not much has been going on this week. I had a paper and a quiz, and they were obnoxious, but I was able to make another LT DVD. Plus, tomorrow my parents and sister are coming down to Houghton for the weekend. It's Family Weekend or Parents Weekend or something like that, and I'm really excited. Today has been a good day too. I got some good homework done, the weather was nice, I found out about Lauren and Jeremy's baby (Jillian Parsons was very excited to find out too!), and I got to spend some good time with my friends. As for the rest of the night, I have a math help session at 7:00 with Mel and Sarah, then I'm going to talk to Em, then we're going to split up at 9 to watch Grey's Anatomy (her) and The Office (me), then I have a 3rd West Bible study at 10, then it's back to Em, then bed! (With a shower and a couple Looney Tunes thrown in here and there) Take it easy!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Midterms and Fall Break

This is when the power came back on!
This is the pitch-black stadium.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
For Megan
This was yesterday. I love it. As good if not better than the Drury brawl. What do you think? (Senators brawl below, Islanders brawl above) I think that if this stuff keeps up, Buffalo might get a nice rep for crazy fights, which would be pretty spectacular. Maybe we already have one, I don't know. Megan, what NHL team is most known for crazy brawls? Is it us now?
I love the Sabres. So much. Not half as much as my sister, but I doubt anyone, including the players' wives, loves the Sabres as much as Megan. Fantastic.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Houghton in the Fall
Don't get me wrong-I have been getting better with time management. Ask Emily. I've recognized that my two major distractions come from my TV and laptop, so this past week I've been taking my homework, a snack, my Nalgene, and my iPod and I've been doing my hw on the ski hill. It's great because the view is absolutely beautiful, especially with the leaves changing, and it reminds me a lot of the view from the top of the hill at Camp Findley. Pretty much the only difference is that there's more hills in the distance and no lake at the bottom, only a valley. But the weather has been great this week, so it's been easy to go outside. And today I got my camera back from being fixed, and I went out and took a lot of pictures, some of which I'll post below.
But yeah. I'm doing alright with everything. Could I be doing better? Probably. Could I be doing worse? Definately. I'll get through mid-terms, and even do some studying between now and then. Like yesterday, I went through a review sheet for Bib Lit, and I'm going to go to the review session on Monday, so that will help. I made flash cards for Spanish and Adv. Comp. (english), and I've gone through those a couple times today, and I'll do so a lot more in the upcoming days. Math I'm kind of screwed on, but how the heck do you study for math anyways? Whatever, I'll just look through some old hw's or something. Spanish won't be too terrible, it's basically just vocab and verbs. American History is gonna be tough because it's 4 essays that can cover anything from precolonial times to the Antebellum period, so anything goes there, but I'll do what I can with it. So I'll survive. I know I will. And the best part is that Thursday (the day after my last midterm ends), is my last day of classes because next weekend is Fall break. And the best part about THAT is the fact that I'm going to spend it in Penfield with Emily. I am so excited for that, you don't even know. It's the biggest thing that will get me through these midterms. And the Sunday while I'm on break, I'm going to go back to Buffalo and go to church, which will be very nice, and then Mom and I are going to the Bills game. So all I gotta do is get through Wednesday, and I'll be home free, literately. So now you get some pictures that I took today. If you click on them, they should get mad big. I recommend doing it for some of the ones from the hill, because the view is gorgeous and the little pictures don't it justice. Peace.

The front of Rothenbuhler Hall.
The creek right in front of Roth.
What Roth looks like from the creek.

Some trees on top of the hill.
That's the ski lodge in the corner.

Monday, October 6, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Random/Homecoming/125th Anniversary
This has been a busy but overall good week. Sunday was good because I made it a point to observe the Sabbath for the first time, something that was encouraged at an all-hall Bible study at Roth last week. I basically just went to church, watched some Looney Tunes, and went on a hike in the woods and through the creek. Mid-week, I felt pretty sick for a while, the combination of poor eating habits and even poorer sleeping habits (or vice versa). But, I adjusted, eating less food and getting more sleep, and right now I'm feeling pretty good.
Yesterday was the Homecoming banquet and dance. I decided that I liked the idea of not spending ten bucks to get dressed up and eat fancy food that I didn't like, so I skipped out on the banquet and played Super Smash Bros. Melee, one of my favorite video games, with Brian and Adam, who also shared my line of thinking. After that, I caved and decided to check out the dance. After taking a quick shower and screwing around with a tie for over half an hour, with unhelpful tips from a magazine article AND YouTube, I gave up hope, audibly cursed Windsor, and threw on a polo. 5 minutes after I got there, I got bored. So I went back to Roth, threw on a sweatshirt, a hoodie, shorts, and sandals, and went puddle-jumping with a similarly-dressed Sarah in the rain. We kicked mud at each other and slid across the quad and basically got nice and wet and muddy (I ignored the fact that I was sick). THEN, we went back to the dance, dripping wet, and danced with Mel and Zac for a bit. It was pretty spectacular.
Even more significant than Houghton's homecoming yesterday was the fact that it was Emily's and mine 23rd month anniversary. That's quite a feat for two teenagers who go to different colleges and have always been long-distance. I'm quite proud of it. Next month, Nov. 2 is our big 2 year anniversary, and I am very excited for that. We're going to get together in Williamsville to celebrate, so maybe we'll see some of you guys there. Also, in a couple weeks, we're going to get together in Penfield for a few days, and I'm VERY pumped for that. Yesterday, she sent me an awesome care package filled with two boxes of popcorn, some raspberry lemonade, a cute little book, and...Looney Tunes comics, both the old school ones from the 50's and the awesome ones from the 90's that I collected as a kid. I also got ANOTHER care package earlier this week from my parents, complete with cookies, banana bread, CD's, and more goodies. I definately felt the love this week.
Even more impressive than Emily and I reaching 23 months was the fact that today, Houghton celebrated its 125th anniversary. Classes were cancelled for today, and there was a very cool service at the chapel this morning which went through the history of Houghton's founding, its presidents, its buildings, and stuff like that. On a personal level, I got to see some awesome people that I know! For instance, Mr. Vogan (a Houghton alumnus and my 1st band teacher who taught me how to play trombone in elementary school), and his sons Jon (South graduate and Houghton student, 2 grades ahead of me) and Jake (South student in Megan's grade) played trumpet during the service. Jillian Parsons was part of it as well, and after the service, I found her with her dad, Pastor Mark! It was very nice to see Mr. Vogan, Jake, and Pastor Mark (Jon and Jillian are nothing new-I see them almost every day!) and it made me miss home a bit. Tonight, there's going to be fireworks and a celebration on the quad, and there's more stuff tomorrow that I'll be checking out. But now, I'm gonna get off the computer and get some food.

This is Emily and me dancing in the snack bar at Camp Findley, where we spent homecoming last year. It was a lot of fun, and the best time I ever had at a dance (not surprising, considering the company and the location!).

This is us at my house the morning after my senior prom this past year (Bocadillo is still passed out on the couch at this point.). Note how Emily looks exactly the same in this picture and the Findley one. It's mad creepy.

This is what my laptop sees.

This is what I see.